According to the author Zecharia Sitchin in his book The earth chronicles handbook the Tablets of Destinies are objects that were used in Enlils Mission Control Center in Nippur to track planetary orbits and control space travel.

when the evil Zu stealthily removed them and took them away in his hands the Mission Control Centers hum fell silent, the blueish aura fell dark, and the Me aka Divine Formulas were suspended.

Now what do you think about that? At first in my own mind I imagined big clay Sumerian tablets but I think that is wrong. I am thinking that if Zu put them into his hands maybe they were or are very small like micro SD cards or something.

Also I noticed that Zu in Pythagorean numerology equals 11 which does look a bit like the pause sign on electronics.

If your interested in this type of stuff I would love a chat!