I used to refer to myself and rh negatives in general as "different".

I no longer do that.

When you refer to yourself as different, you choose to look at yourself through the eyes of others.

Don't do that.

See yourself through your own eyes.

Through my own eyes, I was me. I was in balance. I was who I needed to be in order to be and satisfy me.

I didn't need to prove myself to me. I was not too anything. I didn't take my own peace away.

Through the eyes of a world falling apart and people continuing to live life as usual, we might seem "too worried".

In a world where most people prefer to accept rather than think, we may seem like we think too much.

In a world where cruelty is accepted, we may appear as too sensitive and in a world where most people don't worry about the suffering of others, our empathy might stand out.

We have been conditioned to accept this crazy world as the norm, but not to accept ourselves.

Are rh negative people different?


We are who we are. Same as rh negative people have been for thousands of years. We feel the same and have the same traits. We are we. Living in a world that isn't ours. Surrounded by a society that is different. Our unity shines. Many don't like it. They don't like how we flock to each others and take less time to give our energy away rather than letting it flow between us.

We don't "try to be special". We feel comfortable with each others. We are tired of being affected by a world designed for those unwilling to think, easy to manipulate and crowds full of hatred.

Calling ourselves different makes this world look as if it were the way it should be. "We are the crazy ones" does not apply.

To put ourselves in that box takes the rest of the world off the hook. It keeps things as is.

We need to shine our light. And when this light becomes the norm, we have a positive impact rather than living in the shadows of other people's negative impacts.