First of all, we need to define the term.

"Although many people believe in psychic abilities, the scientific consensus is that there is no proof of the existence of such powers, and describes the practice as pseudoscience."

Do you agree with this common definition?

Pseudoscience also needs to be broken into proper boxes:

There is...

- pseudoscience that is fraud and will never be accredited

- pseudoscience that is very real, but hasn't been agreed upon being proven yet.

These lines cannot be blurred. Denoting something as pseudoscience indicates that the person who has such abilities is likely to lie or use trickery.

What we are looking for is reality and evidence if we can find it, but also need to observe everything from all angles reserving judgement.

What has the term "psychic" been commonly associated with?

- Clairvoyance is commonly associated with being psychic.

Clairvoyance is the alleged ability to gain information about an object, person, location, or physical event through extrasensory perception.

- Claircognizance

This is my favorite term so far:

Claircognizance or “clear knowing” is when you know something without reading or being told about it. This is the metaphysical/psychic sense that allows you to know something is real or will be, though you have no way to back up this knowledge. You may be unable to figure out why or how you came into that information.

You don't define any parts of your senses to sidetrack from the fact of "just knowing" and not knowing or being able to consciously know why and how.

We need to respect what we do not know and leave it at that. There is always a danger of concluding without evidence or even instinct backing something up.


Religious beliefs.

You can have an experience that is powerful, but you cannot explain. Someone comes in and interprets it for you through the eyes of his or her religion.

While being unbiased and without judgement, one cannot conclude based on beliefs. Most people seem to doubt or believe too much.

Have you ever experienced something significant without being able to explain it?

How about one of the following?

- Intuition

Example: You meet someone and just know he/she is rh negative like you.

- Synchronicity

Something far from you takes place that needs to happen in order to make something happen in your life and everything falls into place perfectly.

Energy travels.

Who picks up on yours?

How far does it travel?

Do people whom you pass your energy to pass it on to others so it literally comes back in a way that would benefit you?

That would be "karma" which again leads us to realize that we have far too many words and/or interpretations for something that just is.

Most people cannot admit not knowing. They prefer to fabricate around it. Let's not do that.

Ask yourself what you have experienced and then how you may have impacted it.... maybe not. Maybe we are not meant to analyze, but rather go with the energy flow leading to results needed.

I don't like the term "psychic", but have experienced some of what many try to explain with that term. I also believe I have only scratched the surface as life can get in the way of sensing energy properly.

Do you ever let go and follow the signs or are you running your head against the wall?

This is more like it. Have you ever allowed yourself to be guided when you knew you were on the right track, but didn't know why?

Did you ever know you were being lied to though you had no facts handy to justify what you sensed?

Hesitation can hurt you and I am living the consequences of such in the presence.

In other words:

This functions on 3 levels...

- not sensing or blocking what could help you sense something

- sensing something, but being in doubt and/or not acting upon what you sense

- sensing something, letting go, following the flow of where your intuition guides you and gaining the proper results.

If you fall into the first category, my writings won't impact you. If it is the second one, it can. If it is the third, whatever I say or can say at this point is not needed. Other than maybe reaffirming and/or letting you know others also get it.

Are rh negatives more likely to be psychic?

I do not know what psychic means and believe it actually means absolutely nothing of value.

That is why I will tell you what I have witnessed rh negatives as a whole to be more likely to...

1) Empathetic

2) Intuitive

3) Able to avoid bad situations based on just knowing

4) Able to recognize good things based on just knowing

5) Able to let go and allow synchronicity to benefit us

6) Detect lies like no other

7) Above banalities

8) Unable to settle in (semi-)misery due to the "Wanderlust gene"

This one is huge and enables many of us to experience what most won't It isn't just about traveling, but all aspects of life.

Forget what you have learned and been told. Remember who you were before you entered school?

Imagine having had a life without interruptions and corrections.

How do you think you would have turned out and feel today?

It is tough to think about those lines as it can trigger memories of being forced to go against our own instinct.

It is however necessary if you have issues letting go.

Energy is the language our words are trying to substitute.

It is possible to speak a lot without saying anything, but the language of energy doesn't permit such tactics.

"We pick up on" what we read in the natural language that doesn't recognize borders.

We then try to "explain it" in the man-made languages which can never come close to doing so properly.

We are wasting our time attempting to as the need only exists for category 1 not allowing themselves to experience reality.

Fabrications in addition can hurt the spirits of those who are in tune with reality, but not those out of touch and unable to differentiate.

Whenever you watch something on TV about the subject matter of "psychic phenomena", you need to understand that the masses, according to Myers-Briggs, do not consider themselves intuitive. No such programs are designed for the minority.

According to Wikipedia, the following phenomena are recognized as assumed psychic abilities and below each one, you will see my views in bold:


Apportation – The ability to undergo materialization, disappearance or teleportation of an object.


Astral projection or mental projection – The ability to voluntarily project the astral body (consciousness), being associated with the out-of-body experience, in which the astral body is felt to temporarily separate from the physical body.

Possible. You allow the flow of energy to paint a picture of your surroundings and even places far away.

Aura reading – The ability to perceive "energy fields" surrounding people, places and things.

Absolutely possible.

Automatic writing – The ability to draw or write without conscious intent.

Yes, even though this is often used in trickery.

Bilocation - The ability to be located at two or more places at the same time.


Biokinesis - The ability to change and control DNA.

Energy can do that, so my thoughts are: To some extend it could be possible.

Chronokinesis - The ability to alter ones own perception of time causing their sense of time to appear to slow down or speed up.

Absolutely possible.

Clairaudience – The ability to acquire information by paranormal auditory means.

Read between the lines? Sure. But again: Frequently used in trickery.

Claircognizance – The ability to acquire psychic knowledge by means of intrinsic knowledge (just know).

As stated above: 100% possible.

Clairgustance – The ability to taste without physical contact.

Possible, but not likely.

Clairolfactance – The ability to access spiritual or mediumistic knowledge through smell.

Possible, but not likely.

Clairsentience – The ability to psychically feel, that is to receive messages from emotions and feelings.

Of course, as included in claircognizance

Clairvoyance – The ability to perceive people, objects, locations, or physical events via extrasensory perception.


Conjuration – The ability to materialize physical objects from thin air.


Divination – The ability to gain insight into a situation using occult means.

Nonsense. No such thing as "occult". See religious interpretations above.

Dowsing – The ability to locate water, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod.

Sensing water and energy surrounding it below you? Surely possible. But why the stick? Lame gimmick? Of course: In all tests setting strict rules, the demonstrators promising proof were never able to deliver any.

Electrokinesis - The ability to control electricity with the mind.

"With the mind" might be wrong, though it starts in there. Rather through means of activating energy making the impact. Mind you: Our body is "electrical".

Energy manipulation or energy work – The ability to manipulate physical or non-physical energy with one's mind.

Same thing. "With the mind" is designed for theatrics and the wrong term to use.

Energy medicine – The ability to heal with one's own empathic etheric, astral, mental or spiritual energy.

Very possible, though what we see and read about is usually exclusively fake and done for monetary gains and/or publicity.

Levitation or transvection – The ability to float or fly by mystical means.


Mediumship or channeling – The ability to communicate with spirits.

No, but it leads me to the question where our energy travels if we expect a sudden and unexpected death.

Precognition or premonition – The ability to perceive future events.

Yes. Where is energy moving? What is it moving towards? Can you pick up on it? You will be able to go towards something that is coming.

Prophecy – The ability to predict the future.

Just another word for the same thing, but this time using religious terminology.

Psychic surgery – The ability to remove disease or disorder within or over the body tissue via an "energetic" incision that heals immediately afterwards.

Um... no!

Psychokinesis or telekinesis – The ability to manipulate objects with the mind.

To some extent possible, but why is there zero evidence? Again, we are dealing with using what is to sell trickery. Those who lack intuition tend to have lines too blurred and nothing to keep them from doubting too much or too little.

Psychometry or psychoscopy – The ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch.

Maybe. Energy fields.

Pyrokinesis – The ability to create and manipulate fire with the mind.

This is getting tiring. "With the mind". Wrong approach to begin with.

Remote viewing, telesthesia or remote sensing – The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.

Absolutely, yes.

Retrocognition or postcognition – The ability to supernaturally perceive past events.

Reading energy, picking up freeze frame time style, concluding on sensing the motions of energy... yes, possible!

Second sight – The ability to see future and past events or to perceive information that is not present to the physical senses, in the form of a vision (precognition or remote viewing, a seer).

Just another term for something previously stated. Again: It gets very tiring and accumulates far too many selling points not needed IF something is actually genuine.

Scrying – The ability to look into a suitable medium with a view to detect significant information .

No. Scam alert!

Telepathy – The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.

"Supernaturally"... let's rename it or un-name it to not punish the message.

Thoughtography – The ability to imprint images from one's mind onto physical surfaces—such as photographic film—by psychic means.

Who knows...


OK... this was fun... or not! :)

OK... you want a final verdict?

Here it goes:

Are rh negative people psychic?

Yes. Or rather: If there is such a thing, we definitely are. At least much more so than the general population!

Thank you for reading. Feel free to chime in!