Many members of People with Rhesus Negative Bloodtype have been asking me this very question. Many are not completely aware of their ancestry. Due to several circumstances, some families also choose not to disclose all information regarding family history to allow offspring to paint a clear picture.

Sometimes, learning about your blood type can mean opening brand new doors and gaining answers to questions you may not even have known you would wind up having. Blood type is a great indicator regarding ancestry and this post is designed to help you on the right track in order to gain yours.

Thinking national is not always the right approach when looking at blood type frequencies, but examining specific regions and certain tribes almost always is. Feeling out of place might be a phenomenon within whatever country or location you are born into, but I can almost guarantee you that if you are able to find "your tribe" that you get your traits from, a sense of home will become the feeling you have never expected to have. Similar to me when I hung out with a group of people who some of them were from the Silesias, Poland, home to both of my grandmothers.

I immediately felt like I was looking into a mirror when meeting some of the guys. I felt like one of them immediately. Much later would I find out just how high rh negative blood is in their region, Lower Silesia specifically, still being 20%+ though the frequencies have been going down likely due to the "Wanderlust gene".

Those of you coming from low-rh-negative countries or belonging to Ethnic groups with low rh negative percentages are often the ones with the most questions. Due to colonization in the past, some of you have found out due to a DNA test, that, despite being convinced otherwise, some of your ancestors were offspring between local tribes and colonizers. Surprises are something we need to be open towards if we want to gain the whole truth.

I tend to tread carefully with such subject matters which can be quite sensitive to some.

One question I tend to ask rh negatives is as follows:

Which part of your known ancestry do you feel most connected to and why?

Believe it or not, but answers to that can actually more than not explore traits you may have gotten from those ancestors and with that, the ones less common in today's societies hint towards what has been passed down often recessive for generations and now comes out in full swing with you.

How well you know yourself often depends on how well you allow yourself to know yourself. While many of us are happy being unique, there are still others who fear standing alone. You are not alone. That is why rh negative related subject matters brought to here in the first place (if they did).

Belief systems can be a comfort zone to those lacking inspiration. It is hard to get someone to question a belief unless there is an emotional safety net present. Similar to drug addicts who, when coming clean, will have to finally deal with the issues they had around the time they became addicted. There is a reason for everything and while there is a way to get through it, it has to be YOUR way and only YOU know what may trigger you. It is better to have cold truth than warm lies long-term, but the warmth of newfound reality is often necessary to comfort those leaving the radiation of lies they have grown accustomed to.

Lies are everywhere and especially surrounding those who are determined to find answers. Lies will find you. Research takes effort. So beware, that you may have to do the leg work if you want results.

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See also:

Where in the world did your blood type come from?

What was the genetic origin of the Ancient Egyptians?