Energy is everything.

When we are surrounded by it, it's easy to take it for granted. When it is absent from our lives, it is also easy to have forgotten how much of a difference it makes.

Rh Negative Energy

Rh negatives are most impacted by energies in our lives, or rather, we reflect it to the point where we are easy to read to each others. There are times we perform miracles, there are times we fail at trying to do something we have successfully done many times, but for some reason, we can't do it now. Energy is direction. Energy is love. Energy is passion and drive. Without energy, despite physical strength and intellect, we would be subjects to someone else's orders. Energy is easily accessed, but often overlooked. It can take one person in our lives to make a huge difference to the point where we don't see the lack of or negative energy in most. Energy is a bad place to be lonely, it requires resonance. When rh negatives decide to spend time alone, it is not being alone that we like, it is not being robbed of our energy. We shift as we need to. This shift can happen within a second for the better or worse.

Energy can break when we stop believing in it or go against it. It is a flow we cannot predict. This flow will win. It has to do with the number Pi. A placeholder getting close to natural equations and numbers but never getting there. The energy of the sun cannot be calculated without Pi. We cannot plan for nature. We are able to build squares which don't exist in nature. You are never done with nature and energy. The infinite and unpredictable nature of Pi is reflected everywhere. It is the subject of a movie by Darren Aronofsky indicating that trying to "crack the code" can lead to insanity.

We try to figure things out, but nobody encourages us to let go and go with the real flow. Energy, when gone against, is the most vicious killer. Also the most amazing friend.

Endurance is something rh negatives don't have. We lack the gas channels from rh proteins transporting O2 and CO2. 400 meter runs may be ideal for us. I remember training 2 km with a friend many times and I was behind, but when it came to the last 400 meters, I sped up naturally and he had no chance getting close. It wasn't something planned. It just kicked in, adrenaline that is. I have the moments that you probably understand quite well where all of a sudden, something clicks and I excel. After that, I am tired and exhausted, but retiring the winner. The constant battle or constant negativity at a workplace is not for us. We like peace. We step up as needed and when needed. It may be considered the Wanderlust gene effect, but I am actually moving away from such theory, at least for now. Until not too long ago, it was all about learning what rh negatives have in common for me. Why didn't matter. I knew it was. It came later, the obvious. But I needed to make sure the track was right intuitively before stepping onto the scientific ladder.

- Multi-colored eyes

Our original eyes or rather the eyes of the first rh negatives could have been blue and later the mixing of darker eyes results not in a dominant color, but rather a mix of colors.

- Multi-colored hair

The red shines through and many places on our bodies can have many colors of hair.

- Wavy hair

Not straight, not curly.

- Freckles

... are frequent in us as there is the pale and darker ancestry clashing. Whenever you have a birthmark, freckle, it comes from an ancestor with that color. The smaller the birthmark or the less/smaller the freckles, the further back. Freckles are dominant as darker color tends to be.

- An extra vertrebrae

It is possible that we have those more commonly.

- Neanderthal headshape

Especially: Occipital bun

- Intuition

The biggest one!

- Synchronicity

We can read "what's out there". "The universe is listening".


Of course we are more sensitive to electrical radiation.

- Celtic toe

More common in us, but still not that frequent.

- Sweating out toxins quickly.

They build up in us fast, but easy come, easy go.

- Living lie detectors


- Men sensitive, women high sex drive

It's the ying and the yang. Only in general populations does who we are get interpreted in a derogative manner. Remember: in the general population, people tend to use one another to feel better about themselves. It is why we are either exploited or envied and hated when distant and untouchable.

- We are drawn to each others.

I have realized that 10 years ago starting the first ever rh negative FB group.

- We are protective of each others.

Even though we often tend to be overloaded with other people's energies, empathy kicks in when needed.

- Empathy

Yes... THAT empathy.

- Kids and animals are drawn to us.

They sense us. So do the right people. You can be hated, but all of a sudden, the right people are drawn to you.

- We excel when needed.

Even though we rarely define ourselves by what we do, we don't like to be used or displaced and overlooked. Remember: being used to make others feel better about themselves... that is a no-no.

- We don't fear the same way as most.

We tend to read energies and sort of know we are on the right track when we are. Not always the details, but the overall. Same way, when things go downhill, we can't help but notice. But it helps prepare us. And it helps accept whatever is coming.

- We don't argue about nonsense.

We know we have limited energy supply, so there is the worthwhile and the worthnone.

- The doorslam

Many of you have disagreed, but the ones in agreement were so adamant, I need to highlight it again. When we have given so much rope and still the person will hang, we let him go. We take crap as we don't argue. We let them get away with things and step over us... until... it's over and there is no turning back. The grey-area-friends life deals people are not for us. You are friend or you stay away. No in-between. We expect as we give of ourselves without hesitation and condition. All or nothing. The doorslam is the last episode if it comes to that, but when it does, it is final.

- We are able to discuss politics and religion.

As a matter of fact: we enjoy discussing ideas rather than repeating what others say and then defend and fight over it.

- We are drawn to water.

Something about the flow, the energy of Pi, the cleaning aspect, the life aspect. Water is life and energy.

- Nature is for us.

We are from earth. We belong to earth. We embrace earth.

- Warm weather.

The problem I have is that some of you are sensitive to heat, others to cold, but either way, you tend to be sensitive towards one or the other. Usually towards cold more. Have you ever thought about that maybe 36.5–37.5 °C (97.7–99.5 °F) is the perfect temperature outside as it matches our body temperature?

Of course not when dressed in a suit in the city, but by the beach/ocean/sea with flip-flops, trunks, a shirt. Where do you feel most comfortable?

Again: we have all different types of ancestries and though not our origin being the north, it is possible some adaptions took place, possibly epigenetically.

- The desire to learn what we are not taught.

Where is the incentive to learn what everyone knows? There are learners and then there are natural-born researchers who find out what cannot be learned from others yet. Sort of like me writing this all down.

- A short, but intense attention span.

Unless of course it is passion based.

- Self-protecting sensitivity.

It is a very good thing. Even when it comes to...

- Allergies.

Your body tells you "no".

- You respect and demand freedom.

We are creators, not destroyers.

- Heightened senses.

Nothing goes by us, not even...

- Sharp noises.

What else?

- We have a lot of questions.

... and as they remain unanswered, the multiply quickly. And no, we don't "think too much". Even Voltaire told us to judge a man by his questions. And I say: assume that the one not answering either doesn't get the question, has no idea what the answer is or simply doesn't even operate on the level of curiosity that seems natural to rh negatives.

We are usually misread. We are definitely not understood. By each others, but not others. Should we play dumb or chance animosities?

I chance animosities.

It pays off to get through them without being stuck in them on someone else's terms. Our terms are no terms. And those define us. The way the world works needs to be accepted to a certain degree as needed to at least be able to get through, but then... no more. It probably pays off to do everything in a way to free ourselves as much as we can. Without obligation, our true self shines. Real energy comes through.

Love is often fake, "love" that is. 3 out of 4 people in life feel they have settled, with job, marriage etc. That is the misery surrounding us. Ever hang with a crowd realizing the unhappy couples and several members of the opposite sex paying attention to you wishing they were with you?

That is the reality, the prison of life. Others want us to share their cells. It is part of the mindset keeping them in them. Rh negatives don't tend to get jealous. I always look at those who do better, it motivates me, but I have accepted that people in general cannot handle it. Men who cannot handle watching men more successful preferring to have a stand-up comic acting silly to again feel better about them selves. Same men who are "intimidated by a strong woman". I cannot imagine any rh negative man being intimidated by a strong woman. It is sad, but that is the state the average man is in. What better than someone with energy by your side. Remember: the rh negative Amazon women fought with the men, didn't stay home waiting for them to hopefully come home from battle to be admired. We don't need that type of admiration. We want teamwork. Gender roles are not written in stone. It comes natural to us. We are not the reason rules change. We are always sort of the same. Remember me sharing pictures of rh negatives throughout the times?

We don't always need to be told what is fashionable. We go by intuition. 5,000 years ago there were rh negatives who felt like us. They didn't feel a reason to adapt. They just were. They just went with the same energy flow available and accessible to us today. I can only encourage all of you to never compare yourselves to others. It will never work.


Alcohol and cigarette consumption may not impact your rh positives friends as much, at least not visibly. You, however, may feel like there is something wrong with you as there is too much of an impact. Wrong thinking! Your body is king. Your body won't lie. Remember the gas channels?

The same goes for the ammonia smell when sick. We cannot get rid of toxins as well as rh positives can. So for example, have you had drinks on a Saturday night and still felt it Monday morning? Then you went to the bathroom, relieved yourself, and came out feeling "like new"?

This is how it goes with us, the moment we rid ourselves of the toxins, we are incredibly well. We just don't have that grey area tolerance. So make sure that whatever it is you do, don't try to tell yourselves it is okay to do something because it is "the thing to do" based on what works for others.

As I have said previously:

We live in a toxic world.

The reason rh negatives are often sick is not us being unhealthy people, but being healthy people. As healthy people, we don't tolerate the unhealthy. In a society designed for rh positives, we are being choked. A dark lifestyle overshading. Whatever is bad for people, we express it stronger. Without the toxic environment, we may be much healthier than the general population under same circumstances. So it is important to analyze our studies properly. Learn what to avoid. By toxic of course, I mean everything unhealthy be it bad air, bad food, medication side-effects, you name it. That is why we are more likely to get many of the cancers that studies have been done of in terms of patients' blood types. But then there is also something else toxic:

The general energy of the world is poisoned. It is toxic. Environments are toxic and weigh on mental health like chemical food additives on physical health.

Don't blame yourself or run from your feelings. Face it in terms of letting your intuition guide you away from it and don't ever think for one minute that just because others can handle things, so should you.

You shouldn't.

You also shouldn't feel bad about not agreeing with fashionable opinions. Allow yourself to feel through your instinct, not other people's words.

The same way you had empathy when the world didn't, you are not the reason for extreme changes in attitude towards those you never hated to begin with. It is a formula the world goes by, the shaming. We have no reason to be ashamed. When we say something, it isn't fake. We don't need to find causes to make our lives meaningful. We are born with causes on our minds, or rather: we cannot help but see what needs help.

I'm now being led down the road of tapping what we rank badly for mental health wise:

AB negatives tend to be most likely to absorb bad energies and with that affected.

A negatives tend to have OCD, insomnia and whatever else expressing bad and unresolved issues and energies weighing on us.

B negatives are likely to miss warning signs.

O negatives when not properly recognized, can run their heads against the wall and fall into major depression unable to fake compliance.

These of course are lowlights. Some of them. There is more. But thank goodness, rh negatives are less likely to say "I don't have OCD, so this must be BS.".

Once in a while I hear an rh negative say such knowing they copy behavior not ours. "I am okay, so this is not it". When sharing about homosexuality and blood types, many gotten upset without having read the actual study. It isn't wise to react quickly. But then again: do as you please.

Toxoplasmosis contributes to losing coordination in rh negatives, but actually increases IQ performance. This again may indicate that while stress causes most people (tired) to become even more tired, it wakes us up. We rise to the occasion.

On occasion!

Timing is everything. Timing and energy that is.

"So how did you know she was rh negative?"

There comes a point in conversations where either it's over or it takes on new life. Real life. The talk continues and you are not used to it. You say what's on your mind and the other person does the same. You stop thinking. You realize, energy gets exchanged.

In those moments, there is the "that's what it is" effect that was or would have been there my whole life except the rh negative blood factor wasn't consciously on my radar as now. It was always there, but "who knew?". I often talk about the first experiences I had with rh negatives, my mother of course talking about it and the pregnancy issues she had with my sister, but not me.... and our teacher asking the class who is rh negatives and the few hands going up belonging to who I strangely considered "my people".

It was always there waiting to be uncovered.

Throughout life, thinking back especially, there are many.... many who I now know are rh negative and that THAT was the "strange connection".

The "look" is part of it. An enhancer. A "re-assurer" if you will. I have no doubt that common ancestry is the key. And something about that common ancestry was so powerful, we continue to not allow dominant genes received elsewhere to overshadow the traits so common among US back then. Everyone in your family can have black hair and have had black hair for generations, including you, yet you being the only rh negative to your knowledge just "have to be" the one whose hair shows a reddish tone when the sun hits.

"But I don't have red hair, so this is nonsense cause I am rh negative."

It saddens me seeing negs turning to this type of rhetoric cause we can do better. I also have no red hair, but looking at thousands of rh neg people's pictures, the vast majority has reddishness in their hair. So see the big picture. I don't need to tell you that, right? Being rh negative and all?

Energy is circular. It rotates. It returns close to its source. It seeks similar vibrations close-by but also in unlimited distances. It isn't satisfied with settling. Energy travels and seeks to be manifested.

In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed.

We were created in energy. That same energy keeps us sparked. It's a continuum.

Our energy gets consumed by others when we are not in the company of each others exchanging it and strengthening it with that.