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Unimportant side notes First things first, Im a child at heart. Not to be mistaken for immaturity, a child so much as I like to play around and not take things too seriously. I do have dare I say, the wisdom of a much older man when it comes to the important things, the BIG IDEAS, the age old questions that beckon all of us to attempt to make some sort of peace with them, at least in our own minds, so we can set that aside and focus on some more useful practical nuts and bolts aspirations.. We all must have some framework some explanation for those questions in order to shape our character and build ourselves into who we ARE rather than who we were taught/influenced to be. .There comes a time in everyone life when they stop trying to impress others and rather seek to impress themselves, make yYOU happy, proud, comfortable and genuine. Removing the mask that our ego created by mixing together bits and peices of other masks we saw around us, and chose tobe true to ourselves, stop trying to keep up the charade and dance to the beat of our souls true nature. That's what many call Baptism, a rebirth, stripping yourself of peer pressures affliction. Purifying the Temple, aka body, and anointing thyself with your inner light that has genuine god given insight. Intuition can teach you more than you know, but who is the teacher, how could it be YOU?. God lives within us we all know wrong from right, these things don't need to be learned we have many truths right inside of us, and according to science it doesn't exist, our dreams cannot be explained, but they teach us many things and we in fact die if we are kept from dreaming, Its the other side of us that NEEDS not wants to be heard, Our spiritual half, we are half god and half man, denying that is absurd. If you've ever woken up and had to pee but you were in the middle of an interesting dream and you try to go pee quickly and go back to sleep ASAP to continue the dream. But once you get back you cant even remember what the dream was about where it left off or anything, but you were just there , what happened?. That happens to everyone many times in our life, and it shows us the 2 sides of us, the physical and the soul, the god half / the man half. and the veil between, when u got up and moved your physical body you passed thru the veil and didn't even notice it, they both felt like you, no difference at all, and when you lay back down you realize oh shit, its gone!. They both felt like you because they both ARE you. but in one your going around doing stuff learning things having adventures, and in the other your sawing logs in the real physical flesh and blood world. The flesh and blood world that we consider to be so real, the be all end all, is actually the LEAST real part of you. The soul is ETERNAL and you have been THAT entity since the beginning of creation and you have had countless incarnations that you aren't allowed to remember and its the veil between the dream and waking state that shields your physical body to not retain all the information about who and what you truly are, and all the past life memories from being remembered while your here on this journey having this learning/growing experience.. That's why Edgar Cayce aka the sleeping prophet had to sleep to access that side where all that knowledge is stored. its as if we have a cloud in the spiritual realm and our brain is the hard drive. That is the part of us that many people have been known to communicate with that is referred to as the "Higher Self". Many books were written through channeling, and its not as mysterious as most think, it has perfectly rational and logical reasons for it. These things just take some time and some actual trying and willingness to adjust ones paradigm to understand and society at large is conditioned to mock the very thought of anything remotely close to such things.FYI that condition did not arise spontaneously, society has been deliberately programmed(TellLieVision PROGRAMMING) to work on behalf of Satan's army without even being aware of it. That even makes sense because who in their right mind would ever knowingly work for the losing side, the evil side, maybe a few lunatics would but the vast majority of people want to do whats right, so conditioning ppl to think wrong things are right is what MK ultra is all about. The Antichrist spirit.And you cant deny it, its clearly EVERYWHERE, the obvious way public school tried to make god a stupid topic, and the way they pushed ACTUAL pseudo science EVOLUTION and taught it as though it were fact. We see it in the Music Videos and lyrics, in our movies and TV shows, theres a show called Lucifer, theres TrueBlood where ppl were adddiicted to human blood and got high from it. JUST LIKE ADRENOCHROME in hollywood and politics. The movie the Purge hinting at how the elete like to hunt humans for sport. The chemicals added to our food and water, The GMO corn thaat kills the bugs, ( i wonder what its doing to us) and the corruption of the biosphere with chem-trails pesticides and harmones and vaccines that is causing the mens sperm count to be steadily and regularly dropping by significant amounts, The GMO Soy witch is knows to cause frogs to become hermaphrodite and is known to be a risk for causing more than ever before amounts of homosexuals to be born. The Satan worshiping elite want to distort and corrupt everything in gods creation and we have to be blind not to see it. Glorifying Transsexuals and the family unit. overfishing of the oceans and clear-cutting fainforest, factory farm cows tortured for meat that comes from a tortured unhappy animal that was fed things they need special treatment to be able to digest. High fructose corn syrup, aspartame, food coloring round up weed spray, disposable cameras, planned obsolescence disposable everything, Agenda 21 water fluoridation, promoting racial homogenization, abortion, nonstop wars, false flag events, school shootings many of witch are designed to disarm the public and make them weak and defenseless. Pharmaceutical companies that rarely if ever cure anyone. doctors who are incentivised to NOT treat patients. WIFI and cell towers that are tuned to the harmonic resonance f th ehuman skull, lying to us about our true history and keeping extraterrestrial knowledge and technology from us to keep the petroleum economy running and the people busy working, not just the men both parents are needed to work full time, now destroying quallity of life and quality of families. the bankers that fund both sides AND cause the wars.The mainstream media and its obvious corruption / lies , the divide and conquer race baiting tensions they stoke the flames of to make damn suure we never unite against the true enemy EVERYTHING it ALL fits a society hellbent on getting the public to destroy itself just like the bible says. man will lead man to his own destruction. .