This is a continuum from Why are we so similar to each other?:

Most of the world focuses on differences between people. Division is a huge part of why new issues are being created on a daily basis rather than existing ones being solved.

Being rh negative, I look at similar uniqueness.

Being unique is not a goal. It just is. It is weird how in this world people work hard on adapting all acting the same, yet creating a "unique persona" to stand out.

Everything we see is fake.

We don't fake compassion or being unique. We don't search for causes to stand out and "fill our emptiness". We rh negative men are not "threatened by strong women". All the "norms" are foreign to me. They always were. Now I know, it's not just me...

It is one of the many similarities us rh negatives share!

Fake compassion

Fake offended

Fake concerned

Fake activism

Fake, fake... fake.

The world is searching for itself which they have failed to see in us. Now it's time for us to unite.