In the past few years, I have published several lists of Rh Negative Traits.

The last list of mine had 100 traits.

This doesn't mean all of the traits are held by all Rh negatives.

It means that according to my observations, those traits appear to be more common in Rh negative individuals.

Since there are many phenomena in life that haven't been properly coined yet, I am now listing 7 Rh Negative Traits that I consider unique which by definition are pretty close to what actually is.


(This post is for entertainment purposes only and not to be mistaken for a scientific study)

1) Claircognizance

Why is there a need to define particular senses which may or may not be responsible for you becoming aware of something without even trying to?

2) Telesthesia

Where and how does your energy pick up on what isn't in eye-sight?

You decide!

3) Ambiverts

An ambivert is someone who exhibits qualities of both introvert and extrovert. Depending upon their mood, context, situation, goals, and people around them, ambiverts can switch to extroversion or introversion.

4) Ambidextrous

Ambidexterity is the ability to use both the right and left hand well. When referring to objects, the term indicates that the object is equally suitable for right-handed and left-handed people. When referring to humans, it indicates that a person has minimized preference for the use of the right or left hand.

5) "Paranoia"?

Since in quotation, I am referring to a tendency to intuitively pick up on what most don't... based on their perception of you recognizing danger ahead of time, some may mistake you and pre-judge you for and as "paranoid".

6) Flexibility

As pointed out in 3) and 4), we have yet to discover that vast array of areas in life where flexibility covers even more of your overall traits.

7) SIE

Synchronicity - Intuition - Empathy

Let me explain:

All go hand in hand. Especially since intuition is in the center of it all. Intuition allows you to recognize synchronicities most may miss. It also triggers what is labeled as empathy but not to be mistaken for sympathy.

(See my video:

The 100 traits are here:


Feel free to share your own.