One thing to remember is how the theories of blood types relating to personality traits once began.

Von Dungern claimed A people are superior to B people. Because Asia had more B people than some parts of Europe, the inference was that Asia was inferior (along with European B’s) A Japanese scholar, Takeji Furukawa opposed that idea and asserted that B persons were active while A persons were passive.
Baron Emil von Dungern (26 November 1867 – 4 September 1961) was a German internist. Von Dungern was born in Würzburg and died in Ludwigshafen am Bodensee. In 1910–11, E. von Dungern and Ludwik Hirszfeld discovered the heritability of ABO blood groups.

As you can see, the theory that blood types and personality traits are connected began agenda-driven. Not much has changed since.

As I have recently learned, many of those claiming to be scientists or scientifically motivated happen to use blood type personality theories in order to further the agenda to make themselves or a group they feel close to appear superior to another.

When examining blood types and personality traits, it is of utmost importance to remain 100 percent neutral. Traits are what they are and usually come with both, advantages and disadvantages.

Focus on either rather than keeping balance goes against all scientific principles.

In order to properly show specific traits related to blood types, it is important to always hear and examine how those who have such blood type view themselves as well as representatives of the other blood groups and how they view those with the former blood type.

Here is a list of blood groups and how those I have interviewed view those who have it. People who also share it and those who don't.

Rh negative blood groups

Neither Von Dungern nor Japanese authors have discussed this. My strong guess is that von Dungern was Rh positive. Japan lacks significant enough numbers of Rh negatives to pay attention to the Rh factor which is why I am the first to have openly discussed it and brought it to light. Japanese authors and scientists also appear to be preoccupied with ideology-driven approaches wanting to paint blood type A as negative and B as positive. At least that is what I have recently learned reading up more on what they state. Much of what I read seemed accurate, but not much more than half of it and almost all of it was tainted by their approach to continue where Takeji Furukawa once started: His obsession to prove what von Dungern claimed wrong.

You can easily prove someone wrong by examining what they stated wrongly, but not by adding lies on top of lies. This approach is part of why a connection between blood types and personality traits never gained proper respect in the international scientific communities. On top of it, closing job opportunities based on blood types also doesn't sit well with many.

Those of you who are Rh negative and came here from my blog probably already know what I am about to write.

High intuition, high levels of sensitivities, strong reactions to whatever isn't good for us and a general hyperactive sensing and adrenaline-reactions are among the traits Rh negative stand out with.

Telesthesia and other phenomena are also being examined. In short, if you wish to read more, visit

Blood Type O

Grounded, intuitive, basic approach to life, direct, great leaders, living lie-detectors and so on. Negative: cannot admit when wrong and unable to compromise.

Blood Type A

Sensitive, delaying decisions, avoiding confrontation, not always to the point. Able to navigate through life diplomatically and often highly creative.

Blood Type B

Business types. Goal oriented, but often missing important clues on their journeys.

Blood Type AB

Sponges with good memory, but often losing memory space with age.

Do you disagree?

Make sure to tell me why. And of course, this post is for entertainment purposes only.

I am 100 percent convinced that blood types and personality traits are connected, but also need to inform you that there are plenty of Rh negatives trying to confuse general observations with their own personal traits. Blood type personality traits mainly relate to predispositions. How you turn out has a lot to do with whom you interact in your childhood.

A prime example would be Rh negatives raised by Rh positives vs. Rh negatives growing up in families where all are Rh negative.

The same-sex parent's blood type, being the main role model, also is significant.

The opposite-sex parent's blood type might have an impact on whom you wind up choosing as a partner.

Please be aware that there are people who are ideology-driven and don't pay attention to them. Use blood type personality traits and the knowledge thereof to understand yourself and also friends/family/partners better. If you are already in a loving relationship, let me help you avoid misunderstandings.

Follow your intuition and avoid material that goes against your spirit. You are not the one who needs to change.

As a matter of fact, avoid anything or anyone making you feel like you need to change.

As stated, Rh negative blood type personalities are at the forefront of my area of interest and while I would like to suggest material related to ABO personality traits, I have yet to find something that makes enough sense.

My YouTube channel is open:

Keep your mind open, but don't force it open. When accused of being closed-minded, ask yourselves what the intentions of the accusers might be.