Just because two people are both rh negative doesn't mean they are automatically meant to be together. As a matter of fact, when two rh negatives are not right for each others, we tend to know so immediately. When there is an open door, communication tends to be so natural, things lead towards that direction naturally. Within the general population, there is a lot of confusion and misunderstandings between the sexes. Division is high between men and women leaving all parties unhappy. We seem to get each others and know. It is important to first let go of what you think you know and start fresh. That way, you allow the other person to see you for who you are.

Here are the ways that rh negative relationships are unique:

1) Gender roles less defined

Who is to say who does the cooking, works, takes care of the kids, files for the taxes? In many cultures, it is ingrained, that a man or a woman do certain things. Historically speaking, we can look at the Amazon warrior women: They were Scythian, descendants of the Yamnaya said to have had high rh negative percentages. 40% rh- supposedly. Can you see a woman not waiting for her man to come home from war and rather picking up the sword herself being rh negative?

2) Men more sensitive, women higher sex drive

This combination works and is in perfect sync without socially defined norms telling anyone what you are too much of.

3) We cannot lie to each others

Sometimes having a potential life partner already see through your soul without being put on the spot to explain yourself, is a perfect start.

4) We value and appreciate each others

Trust me, after having had conversations with 100s of rh negatives about past relationship and unloading baggage, many feel reborn not having to be anything than themselves suddenly finding someone who accepts us. The years of having to adapt breed new appreciation for not having to adapt. You don't have to prepare for a relationship or anything that you tell the other person. Just unload the baggage. Know that we all make mistakes and that there is no need to continue what is gone. Give the right person your all and stop giving the wrong person anything. Anything at all.

5) We feel home

It's not just about being in a partnership, but also in surroundings of familiar territory. In a world where many of us feel out of place, having the person closest to us can mean protection, being shielded from the too unfamiliar and allowing ourselves to operate from within a good partnership correcting and supporting one another in terms of dealing and how to deal with the world around us.

6) Misunderstandings are rare

The only time they come is when there is baggage or "ongoing baggage".

7) The energy radiates

The energy between us is intense and the energy surrounding us also attracts the right people and blocks the ones who don't mean well.